Feb 16, 2011

Improve Oral Hygiene / Fight bad breath (2/9) - Flossing

There are a a lot of reasons why flossing is important, not the least of which is that it keeps your teeth and gums healthy. It can also prevent bad breath and keep your arteries healthy: Flossing the plaque from your teeth can help keep it from getting embedded in your arteries which COULD cause e.g. heart diseases or seizures and other diseases.

Some things to remember when flossing:

1) Floss at least once a day, it´s sufficient to remove any plaque buildup.

2)  Take a moment to clean the sides of each tooth, the goal is to remove that nasty white plaque from between the teeth.

3) Use a new section of dental floss for each tooth because using the same inch of floss will just transfer the plaque from tooth to tooth.

4) If your teeth are close together, you may prefer waxed dental floss.

5) If your gums bleed, floss more gently and remember that regular flossing will make your gums more resilient and less likely to bleed.

6) After flossing, rinse your mouth.

If you´re already flossing, do you do it before or after you brush your teeth? I feel flossing first makes more sense, it seems logical to loosen all plaque and then brush the remainder away.

You can easily find some tutorials on how to floss properly on www.youtube.com

Fight bad breath (1/9) - Tooth brushing


  1. Yes I think we all do need to take the time out of the day to make sure number 1 is taken care of, ourselfs

  2. I suck at flossing, it always gets stuck and crap, so thanks for the tips.

  3. I only floss after eating slim jims.

  4. Thanks for the tips man, never knew flossing was that important, so I never did it

  5. Awesome blog. I don't floss enough. Maybe 5 times a month. Sadly that is probably more than most people do. :( Floss more people!

  6. amazing information, thank you for sharing

  7. flossing is annoying

  8. I really should floss. Oh and nice link to youtube.com for tips LoL :P

  9. Never really used floss. But then again I'm English and stereotypes don't maintain themselves!

  10. My teeth are close together and when I floss it pings up into my gum and makes it bleed :(

  11. Paranormal Explorer: hold it very tight and gently push only one side up into the gap. Then tart flossing :)

  12. Flossing really makes your teeth feel great!

  13. How do I know you're not a shill for the flossing-industrial complex? :)

    I recently started using one of those toothbrush-shaped flossing deals, hell of a lot easer to motivate to use it than regular floss. Highly recommend.

  14. hehe, no advertising here ;)

    i recently discovered, some friends don´t have, what i would call a normal oral hygiene and think there are many others like them out here. Just trying to convey the basics.

  15. I floss my teeth sometimes, but don't usually brush at all. I know it's bad for my teeth, but I just can't keep it a habit.

  16. i dont floss and my teeth are in a very good shape. Maybee its my electric toothbrush that does the tric XD

  17. Thanks for the tips. I'm going to increase my flossing from every other day to daily. Cheers

  18. well i surely should increase my oral hygiene, dentist is expensive

  19. i dont floss enough, my gums always bleed. :{

  20. hmm i usually use the tooth brush


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